Cabins and Vans For Sale


Site: 49* 

Price: $40,000


02 4478 6122
Photos available upon request





Site: 53* New Listing!

Price: $31,000 (Neg)Price reduction as of 1/02/2025


0402 254 149
Photos available upon request





Site: 58* New Listing!

Price: $20,000


0421 825 893


Photos available upon request





Site: 69* 

Price: $12,500


0411 543 316

Photos available upon request





Site: 70* New Listing!

Price: $15,000


0493 155 229

Photos available upon request





Site: 85* 

Price Reduction as of 20/12/24: $20,000 O.N.O

Van Lille

0421 051 308





Site: 127* New Listing

Price: $25,000

Contact: Metcalfe

0437 576 116

Photos available upon request




Site: 135* 

Price: $19,000
Reduced as of 22nd Dec 2024

Lakesea Park

02 4478 6122

Photos available upon request




Site: 149 

Site 149

Price: $27,500


0467 225 418

Please contact owner for photos



Site: 155* 

Price: $15,000


0430 187 327

Photos available upon request




Site: 160* 

Price: $27,500


0408 390 257

Photos available on request.






Site: 175* Under Offer


Price: $17,500- Renovated van.

Lakesea Park

44 786 122

Photos available on request.




Site: 180* 


Price: $24,000


0411 101 342

Photos available on request.




Site: 182* New Listing!


Price: $9,500


0411 559 224

Photos available on request.





 Site 195Price: Contact park for price.

Lakesea Park

02 4478 6122

Photos available on request.





[* = key available]       View Lakesea Park Map


Our Listing and Selling Processes have recently been amended.

  • If you are to make an offer on any of the vans for sale it must be undertaken as per the new process implemented April 2019.
  • Before any money is exchanged when purchasing a Holiday Van please be aware that some vans may need work carried out in order for them to comply with Park and or Council regulations.
  • Any van sale that occurs, that is not listed through Lakesea Park’s office or does not take the required steps listed above prior to the sale, will be given 21 days to be removed from their site.
  • All Holiday Van Sites in Lakesea Park are NON-ensuited!
  • All accounts such as site fees, electricity accounts and sundries will need to be finalised before any sale is complete and new owners are recognised.

For any further information, refer to the following downloads for the:-

Or please email


Holiday Van General Information

The following is an extract from the full version of the Lakesea Park Rules included in
the Long Term Casual Occupation Agreement. It is meant as a guide only in answering
the most frequently asked questions. For more information, please contact our office
between 8.30am – 4.30pm Monday-Friday on (02) 4478 6122.

Occupation Agreements
From 1st July 2001 it became mandatory for holiday van owners to sign a Short Term Agreement setting out the rights & responsibilities of both parties.

Site Fees for the financial year 2024-25 are:
$1,740.00/quarter, or

Site fees are due: 1st July, 1st Oct, 1st Jan & 1st Apr in advance.  Site fees are subject to change at the beginning of each financial year.  All accounts are payable ONLY via the Westpac PAYWAY debiting system from either a nominated bank account or credit card.  Accounts are sent out each quarter.  Your electricity account metered at the normal domestic tariff of: $0.4037/kWh plus an Electricity Access Fee of: $163.91/quarter.
(Electricity tariffs are subject to an increase from 1st Sept).

Van Usage
The maximum number of persons to occupy the van at any one time is 6 persons (including infants).  Occupation of your van is limited to six continuous weeks to a maximum of 150 days each financial year included in your fees.  You may occupy your van for a maximum period of 180 days in any financial year. These extra days attract extra fees at the rate of $40/person per night.  You cannot occupy your van on a permanent basis at any time.

Your site fees cover 2 nominated owners and the immediate children of one owner (or both if a couple) up to the age of 16 years.  All others will be charged at the visitor rate of $12 per person (2 yrs+).  This includes day visitors – that is, any persons who stay on the site longer than 4 hours in any one 24 hour period.  Please have your visitors register at reception during office hours.  This register assists in maintaining accurate records and maintains security, likewise when trades people are attending your van.

Requirements within all Holiday Vans
At the time of the proposed sale, the van must have:

  • Earth leakage device (RCD)
  • Smoke alarm to meet new 2011 regulations.
  • Fire extinguisher & Fire blanket

Your van must be insured including a minimum $10 million public liability component. An office copy of the “Certificate of Currency” is required annually.

Any construction other than the van and annexe particularly any combustible awning such as canvas, blue plastic or similar must be removed from the site when the van is purchased to reduce the risk of fire hazard in the park.

Alterations and Additions
Projects must be approved by management before the commencement of any work. Site proposal application forms are available from the office.

Vehicles & Boomgate Access
One pin number is issued for each site and is for the use of the van owner only. All guests to the van must obtain their own pin number for the duration of their stay at which time all fees are paid for. There is a maximum of 2 pin numbers to be active at any one period. Day visitors’ vehicles must remain outside at all times. Boats or trailers are counted as vehicles.

Sale of Vans On-Site
Management reserves the right to refuse consent to any proposed sale of any caravan or relocate-able onsite in the park. Any sale and ongoing occupancy shall be subject to the expressed written consent of the proprietor.

Site Handovers
It is recommended that a site orientation with Park Management be carried out before any money is exchanged on van purchases within the park.  Sales MUST follow the new processes set out in the attachment links above. The orientation will cover all aspects of owning a van such as car parking, boat storage, alterations to the site, visitors, pin numbers for the boom gate etc.  Due to high weekend trade and staff workload, the site orientations can only be conducted Monday – Friday during normal office hours. (Please contact the park to arrange this time in advance).

Sales must also include a 7 day cooling off period!

Pets / Wildlife

Sorry NO PETS are permitted in this park, including visitor’s pets.
Please DO NOT FEED or PET any native wildlife in and around Lakesea Park!! 

Fires are permitted on sites provided they comply with the park’s fire policy.